Longevity Training Club

Begin Your Longevity Journey!!!!

During your Longevity Specialist Consultation we will put you through a thorough and comprehensive Performance Longevity Evaluation. This allows us the insight to formulate your Performance Longevity Plan (PLP) and find what you specifically need to improve your longevity!

Let’s find the pieces of the puzzle that you’re missing. We will come up with a comprehensive program for you based off of your Longevity Evaluation. We can fill in the gaps and make sure you get the results you are looking for to optimize your Vitality!

We do this by:

  • Movement Analysis
  • Strength / Power Testing
  • Nutritional Biochemistry Outcome Measure
  • Balance Assessment
  • CV Fitness/VO2 Max Test
  • Body Composition Testing

You may be doing all you can to improve your longevity, but feel like you’re coming up short. We can help find the missing pieces, so you can optimize your longevity!

Book a Longevity Assessment Now