Cold Plunge
Cold Plunge treatments at Longevity Training Club! Experience the invigorating power of our cutting-edge Cold Plunge therapy into your personalized plan.
This can enhance your performance, promote longevity, and unlock your true potential.
Deliberate Cold Exposure can positively affect brain and body health.
Some research suggests that sitting in a tub of ice water may help reduce inflammation, boost blood flow, improve immunity, and manage pain (1). It also can help lower cortisol levels (2), your body’s stress-inducing hormone. Another study found that when combined with sauna, cold water immersion decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol (2).
Join us and defy time – book an appointment now and live long and strong.
Strong research-based evidence, Benefits of cold immersion therapy:
- Enhanced mood & focus.
- Reduced inflammation & muscle soreness.
- Improved recovery & physical performance.
- Improved immune system.
- Improved resilience & stress management.
- Accelerated metabolism & improved cold tolerance

Increase Insulin Sensitivity
Studies have found cold exposure increased insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes (15,16). Why this matters: the more insulin sensitive someone with Type 2 diabetes is, the less medication they’ll need to reach optimal blood sugar levels.